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Social Security
We offer Free Initial Consultations and No Upfront Fees or Costs. We work on Contingency Fee-Base Representation. There is no fee for our services unless and until you win your case. Once a claim is approved, attorney fees generally equal 25% or $6,000, whichever amount is the lesser, of any back payments the client is entitled to receive.
If your medical conditions prevent you from getting employment or continuing working, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability Benefits.
Social Security Disability Benefits
These are benefits pay to people who cannot work due to a medical condition that is expected to last at least twelve months or result in death. There are two disability benefit programs through Social Security:
Social Security Disability Insurance (also known as Title II)
There are different requirements for eligibility, but generally, a worker who is fully insured and has worked at least twenty quarters out of the last forty quarters is eligible to participate in social security disability. These quarters are earned when money is taken out of your paycheck to Social Security Disability Insurance. The amount of disability benefits payment you entitle to is determined by the amount of your past earnings.
Supplemental Security Income (also known as SSI or Title XVI)
There are no earnings requirements for supplemental security income but there are strict income and asset limits.
When you apply for Social Security Disability, you should try to apply for both programs at the same time. The Social Security Administration will make a determination to see if you will meet one or both of these programs.
You can qualify for social security disability benefits base on either or both mental or physical medical conditions.